Prepare - Don't Let A Lack Of Preparation Affect Performance - Leave No Box Unchecked
This week we start with our first of three "Ps" of our Nine Elements of Successful Leadership. PREPARATION! Don't let the lack of mental preparation affect physical performance. Ask yourself if you are properly prepared for meeting your goals, being the best version of yourself and leading others. Many of us dive into tasks or challenges or even daily routines without proper preparation. Remember PPPL2PPP (piss poor preparation leads to piss poor performance)
What we discuss:
- Again start with the end in mind
- Parts of preparation: Nutrition, Training, Sleep, Strategy
- Preparation is controllable. Are you controlling the controllables in your life?
- Habits are how we respond when it matters the most.
- Form Good Habits
- Practice good habits
- Practice ideas to include skill development and fitness
- Ask yourself: What do I have to do to be successful?
- Do you have an Accountability partner/mirror/journal?
- Mental push ups
- Practice does not make perfect. Perfect practice makes perfect
- P.O.O. Process Over Outcome
- Your MVP needs to be THE Process
- Love the details even the smallest one.
- Avoid everyday habits that drain your energy
Avoid going through motions. As a leader keep your team stimulated and dialed in. When working with younger athletes, remember that practices should be stimulating and make them want to come back. This will build habits in them that will have them appreciate going to practice as part of the process. Build in time to enjoy their teammates.
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