
Accountability - How to live a productive life as an individual and as part of a collective.

Messier Larocque Performance Group Season 1 Episode 18
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00:00:00 | 01:20:49

Holding yourself accountable is a precursor to holding others accountability. Accountability builds trust, trust build culture, and culture builds success. In this episode we cover the importance of a quality accountability partner for individual progress towards successful leadership and growth. Coaches who master the ability to develop accountability within their team will drive performance of both individuals and the group to new heights.

What we talk about:

  • Accountability is controllable and optimizes your chances for a positive outcome
  • ERO & BCD 
  • Accountability should be molded through definable parameters that dictate what needs to be achieved
  • Why do I need to be accountable to myself, my team, my organization? 
  • Layers of accountability - Personal (self, family, friends) Professional (team, business, organization, community)
  • If you can’t hold yourself accountable, you cannot hold others accountable.
  • Self Discipline Discipline = Freedom  
  • Extreme Ownership - Own your role and play it to its fullest potential.
  • Do your job! 
  • Demonstrating self accountability will make others more likely to want to be more accountable to you.
  • Set habits that allow you to establish a routine where you can be successful and control what you can control. 
  • Show up when times are tough. 
  • When you are in Charge Take Charge.
  • Avoid the leadership vacuum where nobody wants to make a decision. 
  • Define your role and define other people’s roles and make sure they have the tools necessary to do their jobs. 
  • Provide clarity on what to do and make sure you do it.
  • Accountability is one pillar that Builds trust 
  • Become a Lifelong Learner (GROWTH MINDSET) be open minded and accept feedback from others even those who are under your leadership.
  • Have expectations of excellence for yourself but accept failure and commit to resilience when things go wrong.
  • Surround yourself with good people 
  • Make a list of items short/medium/long range that need to be completed
  • Be Present not Perfect
  • K-A=O (Knowledge - Action = Nothing)
  • Well Better How
  • Alignment and assignment  
  • To be perfect is to be fake.

Call to Action:
Start or a wall/mirror of accountability or find an accountability partner and list 3 things you will be accountable for (short/mid/long term)   Examples of accountability partner/mirror (self care, check in with others in your organization/team, mental muscle training -reading, podcasts or finding opportunities to expand and build on your leadership skills)

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