
Mindset - Creating and Living and Progressing with a Championship Mindset

Messier Larocque Performance Group Season 1 Episode 20
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00:00 | 55:55

What we talk about:

  • This is where a good accountability partner can come into play. Or you need to really become self-honest and reflective and ask yourself important questions like
  • Am I truly open to accepting change, responsibility, advice, input, criticism?
  • It takes experience, perspective, and discipline to shift to a growth mindset and once you get there it’s like unlocking all the cheat codes in a video game. The possibilities are endless.
  • You are going to have bad days. 
  • No it’s not feasible that everything is perfect like an Instagram post there will be days you will get punched in the face.
  • The idea is to minimize those days or isolate the bad moments in a day and not let them ruin all 1440 minutes of your day.
  • Growth and fulfillment often lie on the other side of hell
  • We want to continue to grow and learn as we age. 
  • We want to be the best fathers, husbands, friends, teachers and coaches we can be.
  • To do this it requires getting outside of a comfort zone and being reflective that good enough isn’t enough
  • Examples of fixed mindset that limit your success
    • Constructive criticism is just a personal attack.”
    • “I give up when I'm frustrated.” I’m taking my toys with me and leaving
    • “I don't need to learn any more.”
    • “It is what it is.”
    • Jealous of others success or attention
  • How do you stop an average mindset?
    • Avoid BCD
    • Aim for Self-Awareness, Reflection and Reassessment
    • Avoid Negative, Fixed Mindset Self-Talk
    • Ask for Feedback (and listen to it)   
    • Do Not Overreact to Failure (keep it in perspective) 
    • Do Not Compare yourself to others, only the best version of yourself. How good can I actually get?
    • Celebrate Effort (POO)
  • Eliminate mental limitations on physical performance

Call To Action:

Create your own mindset list with 3 columns START STOP CONTINUE. In each list 3-5 things you want in those categories.

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